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APOKRA Pregnancy Supplement: A Nutritionist's Guide to Essential Prenatal Nutrients

In this blog post, I elaborate on the components of the APOKRA Pregnancy supplement and their importance in pregnancy. Furthermore, I want to explore the benefits that I found when taking the supplement as a nutritionist.

Components of APOKRA Pregnancy and Their Importance in Pregnancy

First of all, being sufficient in all essential vitamins and minerals is crucial to maintain the mother's body functions and ensure the baby's healthy development during pregnancy. Since mothers have an increased requirement of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, supplementation is very important.

APOKRA Pregnancy includes many essential vitamins and minerals combined in one supplement, which is very convenient and beneficial.


One of the key ingredients in APOKRA Pregnancy is omega-3 DHA and EPA, derived from algae. Omega-3 fatty acids are needed for the fetal brain and retina development and can also prevent perinatal depression in mothers (1). APOKRA uses a powder form of omega-3 fatty acids combined with the amino acid L-Lysine called AvailOm®. Studies have shown that AvailOm® is absorbed 5 times better in the human body than traditional omega-3 soft gel supplements (2).

N-Acetyl L-cysteine

N-Acetyl L-cysteine has an antioxidant effect, which is beneficial as pregnancy can come with a state of oxidative stress (3).


Supplementation with inositol during pregnancy has been shown to reduce several complications in pregnancy like the incidence of gestational diabetes, hypertensive disorders, and preterm birth (4).


L-arginine supports the secretion of growth hormones, which play an essential role in the baby’s weight gain (5). Also, L-arginine can be useful to prevent pre-eclampsia (6).

Vitamin D

The mother’s vitamin D stores slowly decline during pregnancy because of the fetus’s demand for it. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy is essential. It is important for fetal skeletal development and tooth formation. Moreover, studies found that when women have low vitamin D status, supplementation improves fetal growth and reduces risk for small-for gestational-age and preterm birth (7), (8).

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is present in APOKRA Pregnancy in the form of beta carotene, since vitamin A in the form of retinol may result in toxicity in pregnant women and fetus (9). Beta carotene gets transformed into vitamin A by the body. Vitamin A is mainly used in the body to maintain healthy visual function (10). Additionally, vitamin A helps maintain cell functions for growth and normal immune function. Vitamin A deficiency in pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage and can affect embryonic development (11).

Vitamin E

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and eliminates free radicals. Also, it is needed to maintain the metabolic functions of the body, especially during pregnancy. Insufficient vitamin E in pregnancy can lead to placental aging, hypertensive disorders, or even abortion. Therefore, adequate vitamin E supplementation is very crucial (11).

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is essential for the process of blood clotting in a fetus and also for fetal bone development (12).

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports the mother’s and the baby's immune system in pregnancy. Additionally, it helps with iron absorption and thus decreases the risk of iron deficiency in pregnancy. Furthermore, Vitamin C aids the production of collagen which is essential for normal growth, wound healing, and healthy tissue (13), (14). Even though you can get plenty of vitamin C from fruits like kiwis and oranges etc., supplementation is recommended. It may not be as easy to eat the increased required amount of vitamin C through fruits when battling morning sickness or food aversions during pregnancy.

B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B7)

B vitamins are important in the baby’s brain development (B1), eye and skin health (B2), digestion and nutrient metabolism (B3), brain and nervous system development (B6), and the growth of healthy hair, nails, and skin (B7) (15), (16). Vitamin B6 may even relieve some nausea during pregnancy in some women (17).

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is crucial for the development of the central nervous system and is essential for healthy brain function (18). It is very important to supplement vitamin B12 because deficiencies are quite common and can lead to pregnancy complications and extreme fatigue. Furthermore, during pregnancy women are more vulnerable to a deficiency of vitamin B12 due to increased metabolic demands (19). Moreover, vitamin B12 may help combat tiredness during pregnancy (20).

Folic Acid

Folic acid is needed for healthy fetal and placental development (21). Folic acid deficiency in very early pregnancy increases the risk for neural tube defects in the developing fetus. Due to very high demands for folic acid in pregnancy, adequate supply is not possible without dietary supplements and therefore supplementation is of utmost importance (22).


Pregnant women and rapidly growing infants are very vulnerable to developing iron deficiency (23). The baby needs iron for the synthesis of hemoglobin and for brain development. The mother uses iron to make more blood to supply oxygen to the baby. As the blood volume in the mother’s body increases in pregnancy, the amount of iron needed is also bigger (24). Furthermore, sufficient iron levels are crucial to avoid fatigue and tiredness.


Calcium helps strengthen the baby's rapidly developing bones and teeth, and boosts muscle, heart, and nerve development. Additionally, it's needed to maintain the mother’s teeth and bones strong during pregnancy (25). Studies have shown that omega-3 may improve calcium absorption (26). APOKRA pregnancy includes both.


Zinc is essential for normal immune function and growth (27). Zinc is involved in the formation and development of the embryoHere is the rest of the HTML content for the blog post: ```html

Zinc is essential for normal immune function and growth (27). Zinc is involved in the formation and development of the embryo by helping create the baby’s cells and DNA during pregnancy (28).


Iodine is needed for the production of maternal and fetal thyroid hormones, which regulate the development of the fetal brain and nervous system (29). During pregnancy, a higher iodine intake is required to make thyroid hormones in both the mother and the baby.

Benefits of APOKRA Pregnancy and My Experience Taking Them

Complete Package

APOKRA Pregnancy is the complete package. You only take two of the tablets a day and are covered for all the essential vitamins and minerals that are needed for a healthy pregnancy. Everything I need in one supplement. No need to take two or more different supplements every day.

100% Vegan

The APOKRA Pregnancy formulation is completely vegan. The omega-3 is sourced from algae instead of fish oil, which reduces the risk of contamination with heavy metals. Fish oil can provoke unpleasant fish burps after taking them, therefore vegan omega-3 was a savior for me during my first trimester, where I felt sick all the time. APOKRA Pregnancy also uses vegan vitamin D3, which is not necessarily the case in other supplements.

High Bioavailability

As a nutritionist, bioavailability is very important to me, as it decides how well the body actually absorbs the vitamins/minerals that are intaken. The absorption has a crucial impact on the desired effect of the supplements. APOKRA lays big focus on optimal bioavailability. Therefore, they use folic acid in the form of Quatrefolic, which ensures higher absorption, and an omega-3 complex that is 5 times as absorbable as conventional omega-3 supplements.


APOKRA designed the supplement to be taken from conception until the end of pregnancy. So you can stick with the same supplement through your whole pregnancy journey. This and the fact that you only have to take APOKRA Pregnancy and no other supplements to cover your additional needs during pregnancy is extremely practical to me.

Free from Heavy Metals and Pollutants

APOKRA Pregnancy claims to be free of heavy metals and pollutants, which is crucial for pregnancy supplements. Heavy metals like lead and cadmium are toxic and can accumulate in fetal tissues after crossing the placenta.

Good Smell

The tablets of APOKRA Pregnancy smell very appealing and are therefore easy to swallow. As many women are struggling with morning sickness during at least the first trimester, an easy-to-swallow supplement like this can be extremely helpful. In my case, it was.

Overall, it is extremely important to supplement adequately during pregnancy and even conception. Therefore, it is crucial that your supplements are science-backed and include everything you need like APOKRA Pregnancy. You can always check with your gynecologist. Nevertheless, a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is just as important during that beautiful time.



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